Title: St Louis Blues raffle Date: 2015-03-02 Tags: stlblues, hockey, charitable, raffle, nhl

The Basics

The St. Louis Blues Alumni have provided us with three sets of two tickets (plus some added benefits) for the March 28th game against the Columbus Blue Jackets.

Tickets are $10 each, or 12 for $100.

We are selling a maximum of 525 raffle tickets. There will be three (3) separate winners, and each winner may bring one (1) guest for free. This makes the odds of winning no worse than 1 in 175 per ticket!

To purchase tickets, contact Tim Brill, Tom Hughes, or call, text, email, or tweet me.

The Inclusions

Winners and their guest will get to experience:

If that wasn’t enough…

For every two tickets you purchase, I will include one free skate sharpening.

The Game and Raffle Dates

The “Fine Print”

“Fine Print” because it’s the same size as the rest of the text, and I wrote it, so it’s probably not all that fine. Also, it’s probably pretty obvious, so you could maybe just skip this section and reclaim a few minutes of your life.